Innovation Back to Back Winner

I’m gushing a bit.

While the prizes may not be a investing by Ron Conway, or 50k cash, it is nice to feel that my peers think what I contributed to is worthwhile.

Can’t go into details about what the projects are, but hopefully they’ll end up on the companies’ roadmap.

If you don’t know Trulia, it’s the best Multi-Market real estate site.

Check out listing for San Francisco.


New Plugin – EasyShipper

Spent some time over the last month building out an integration for WooCommerce & Easypost, since I liked their product. I am pretty happy with the outcome, looking to get some feedback from users once posted over on the directory. Seems to be going well already have 30+ downloads in one day.

I toyed with the idea of selling it commercially, in the end I am open sourcing it. I think both of these products are of the highest caliber.

Have a look at EasyPost at

Check the plugin it out on GitHub or WordPress


Hacking like it’s Nineteen Ninety Nine (SF Disrupt Hackathon 2013)

Crunchbase Data Visualization You can see the final product here

After 16 or so hours of furious hacking, I put down a solid solo effort.

Learning quite a few new pieces of technology including GraphDB (Neo4J), and gexf format, with sigma.js managed to come up with something I think is pretty cool.

People remarked it looked like a Jackson Pollock painting, which is cool, because without a way to search or highlight a single node, it’s pretty useless 🙂

Github link


Lil’ Weekend Hack – Free the Commerce

Struck by the fact that everyone wanted somewhere between 25$ on the low end and 79$ on the high end just to connect one open source system to another, I wasn’t in the mood to pay and I had some free time so I give back to the community a nice free WooCommerce to Stripe Payment Gateway integration.

Striper on Github

Edit: It’s a pain to upload to two systems, so the most current version is going to be on wordpress.

Striper on WordPress

Anyone is interested in kicking it forward, maybe adding some subscriptions fork it and that would be the bomb. Otherwise it’s pretty ready to go, check it out.


Orange is the new Black, so maybe. In the process of building something I thought people might like I built a extension for the WordPress / WooCommerce platform to work with the company EasyPost, they’re an awesome, Y-Combinator graduate company for shipping labels etc. But I digress, so I’m thinking that there may be a market for this product as people seem to be okay with paying for things that make their life easier in this system, most payment gateways cost between 50$ and 100$.

I navigated over to the developers of the Open Source shopping cart WooThemes to be hit with the biggest slap in the face I’ve seen lately.

Sell your extensions with us and earn 50% commission!

Wow, so for the pleasure of having my product listed on your site, which undoubtedly since you wrote the thing would be the most obvious sale, but unlike the Apple Store or Google Play is not actually necessary, I can sell this myself anywhere I want, you think that is worth 50% of the sale? Not only that but you call it commission? Commission to me seems the exact opposite, it’s the bonus paid to the salesperson who facilitated the sale. So a more correct way of writing this might be,

Sell your extensions with us and pay a low 50% commission

I’m not sure what Auto Salespersons earn in commision but I’m willing to bet it’s a whole lot lower than that.